Wednesday, August 25, 2010

About (one of ) the Authors

Hello all! My name is Jonathan Pittman and I will be one of the main posters in this little corner of the Internet. I'm working as a Freshman Year Experience Intern in the Honors College this year...which means my job is to answer your questions and provide you with some (hopefully) useful information. As always, you can contact me or any of the other Freshman Year Experience team members at Before we dive into some "real" posts dealing with campus events, I thought it might be a good idea to put together a brief  "About Me" post so that you guys have some idea where this information is coming from. So, without further ado....

I am not an English Major - Let me get this one out of the way first...I am not, and have never been, an English major. Why is this important? Without a doubt, I will make many grammatical errors in my blog posts. Feel free to point them out, but realize that (a) there is no reward for this and (b) I may not fix them anyway.

I am an Engineer - Electrical, to be specific. I am a junior in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department here at UA. I love my major, and would be happy to talk to any of you about all of the nerdy things I do. Don't worry, though, I know most of you aren't interested in my latest Modern Physics assignment.

I am a HUGE football fan - I have always loved college football...and coming to this campus did nothing to change that. It is quite possible that I have spent more money on Alabama football than I have on food during the past two years (seriously, it's bad). I apologize in advance for any pigskin pontification on this blog (but it will happen).

I believe in the UA Honors College - I have loved every bit of being on this campus for the past two years. More specifically, I have loved every bit of my Honors College experience. I firmly believe that this is a great time to be in Tuscaloosa, and I hope you can share in my excitement.

Well folks, that's me in a nutshell. Later today we will hopefully be able to get up some pictures from the Honors Connection scavenger hunt that took place a few days ago. (Yes, we are a bit behind.)

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