Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Apply to be an Honors Connection Mentor!

During each fall semester, the Honors College offers a course called Honors Connection. Some of you may have taken this course during the fall, and others of you may have seen the pictures that we posted from the kick-off scavenger hunt. Regardless, the basic idea of the course is this: a group of 2-3 upperclassman mentors work with a group of 10 freshmen to guide the freshmen through their first semester on campus. Each group meets once a week to discuss a topic related to the freshman experience (resources on campus, adjusting to college life, how to choose a major, etc.). Also, the groups occasionally use their meeting times to attend an event on campus.

Honors Connection is hugely important to the Freshman Year Experience program. We are planning to greatly expand the size of the course next fall (hopefully to at least 600 freshmen). So, here's the thing: we are currently looking for high-quality mentors for Fall 2011.

Who doesn't want to earn Honors credit while pretending to be under the sea?
Why would you want to be a mentor? Let me tell you...
  • All mentors will earn two hours of Honors credit.
  • This experience can be used as a springboard to greater involvement within the Honors College.
  • You will be helping the Honors College to acheive its important goal of creating a tight-knit community for freshman students.
  • You will be able to exercise some creativity and develop your personal leadership style as you impart lessons to freshmen.
  • You will meet lots of cool Honors College students, both freshmen and upperclassmen.
  • You will be able to participate in Honors Connection events throughout the semester (coffee hours with professors, personal development seminars, free dinners, etc.).
With that being said, the Honors College is currently accepting applications to be an Honors Connection Mentor! The application can be found at this link. The due date for the application is  Monday, February 21. You have two options:
  1. Complete the application digitally and email it to honorsconnection@gmail.com.
  2. Complete a paper application and return it to the Honors College reception desk on the second floor of Nott Hall.
As you may have noticed, there is no option that includes not completing an application.

Seriously, though, I would encourage all of you to apply. Again, Honors Connection is a hugely important Honors College initiative, and becoming a mentor is a great way to become involved with the Honors College.

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