Thursday, February 3, 2011

Honor Society Applications Due Sunday

 If you are interested in applying to become a member of an Honor Society on campus, don't forget that applications are due this Sunday! For most freshmen, the only Honors Society that will require an application is Lambda Sigma (more info below). However, there are several Honor Societies that freshmen (or rising sophomores) should know about...

Phi Eta Sigma: Phi Eta Sigma is a national scholastic honor society for men and women who achieve overall grade point averages of 3.5 or higher in any one full semester within the first 45 hours accumulated at UA. It usually offers several community service opportunities each year, and it is well respected in the academic community. If you are eligible to join, you will be notified by mail.

National Society of Collegiate Scholars: Each spring, students with a GPA of 3.4 or higher are invited to join NSCS. NSCS offers members a number of scholarship opportunities, leadership experiences, and travel opportunities. If eligible, you will be invited to join by either mail or email.

Lambda Sigma: Lambda Sigma is a national sophomore Honor Society. To be eligible to join, you must have a minimum GPA  of 3.2 and be entering your sophomore year. Lambda Sigma does have a competitive application process. The application can be found at (look for the "Honor Society Applications" link). Lambda Sigma is considered a very prestigious organization, and I would encourage you all to apply.

Joining an Honor Society can be a great way to network with other students, become eligible for scholarship money, and boost your resume. I would encourage you all to apply and/or join any organization for which you meet the eligibility requirements.

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