Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday: Freshman Fifteen

Everyone’s heard the warnings of packing on the weight during your first year at college, but it is really something you need to worry about? Maybe not. According to the Wall Street Journal, a more pressing concern is actually the “College Creep.” A recent study performed by Jay Zagorsky of the Ohio State University and Patricia Smith of the University of Michigan-Dearborn found the average female gains 8.9 pounds over her college career, while the average male gains 13.4 pounds. Of that weight gain, only 3.1 pounds for females and 3.5 pounds for males occurs during the first college year. Unfortunately doctors worry this slow but steady weight gain is setting precedence for the rest of your adult life with unhealthy college habits.
 So while it may be tempting to indulge in an excess of delicious dining hall food, chow down on processed snacks during late-night study sessions, or down one too many of a certain calorie-heavy beverage,  just remember people who are overweight are more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breathlessness, and joint problems down the road. Even if your adolescent metabolism allows a poor diet without weight gain, getting the proper nutrients and plenty of water is key to having energy and focus. And if you’ve never been to the University Recreation Center, you’re missing out! You can read about all it has to offer here: With the aquatic center and climbing wall, avoiding the College Creep may be less work than you think!

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