Thursday, August 26, 2010

Involvement Symposium Tonight

After the craziness that was Get On Board Day yesterday, the Honors College will be hosting a Student Involvement Symposium tonight at 7:00 in the Ferg Ballroom (on the third floor). While all of the booths that were out yesterday hopefully gave a you a good idea of the organizations that are available on this campus, we realize that events like that can be a bit overwhelming. (Did you see the sword-wielding gorilla!? Gotta love it.) Our hope is that the Symposium tonight will give you a calmer atmosphere in which to check out some cool opportunities on campus. The following organizations will be participating:
  • Honors College Ambassadors
  • Student Government Association
  • Honors College Assembly
  • Community Service Center
  • Creative Campus
  • The Office of Student Involvement
  • Capstone International
  • The Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • The Source
  • Intramural Sports
  • Blackburn Fellows
Should be a good time. And, just for those of you who prefer visual presentations...

Get on Board Day
Student Involvement Symposium (come tonight!)

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