Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tentative Date for FYE Events

First of all, I apologize for the lack of posts during the past couple of days...the first full week of the semester always seems to get pretty busy. Anyway, I had a meeting Friday afternoon with the other FYE team members, and I came away pretty excited about this year! We did our best to set some tentative dates for the events that we will be hosting this semester. Check it out:
  • Away game party (Sept 18, Sept 25, Oct 9, Oct 23, or Nov 6). Okay, so I know I just listed all of the away game dates. We will probably do one or two parties, and the specific date(s) depend a lot on which venues are available for which games. Stay tuned for more.
  • Tailgate on the quad for the Florida game (Oct 2)
  • Community service Saturday (Oct 9). Don't worry...we'll be done in time for you to watch the South Carolina game.
  • Homecoming reception in Nott Hall (Oct 16)
  • Trip to Kentuck Art Festival (Oct 17)
  •  Hike in the Sipsey Wilderness (Oct 24)
  • Coffee hours with professors from various departments (early November). These were incredibly popular last year...with students and professors alike.
I think that all of these events will be pretty cool. Also, we're working on putting together a weekly email exclusively for Honors College freshmen that will include information about all kinds of events going on around campus and  in Tuscaloosa. Look for the first one sometime this week.

Finally, Nick Saban would like to remind you that (a) these dates are tentative and (b) football starts in less than a week.

Listen to this man.
Don't worry, we'll be posting all the Alabama gameday information you'll need.

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