Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Up and Running!

Hello Honors College freshmen! The Honors College Freshman Year Experience team would like to welcome you all to campus! We're setting up this blog in the hope that it will be a helpful resource to you as you go through your freshman year. What exactly will we be posting here? Here's a brief list:

  • "All You Need to Know" posts about a variety of topics (exams, Alabama Gameday, campus traditions, etc.)
  • Study Tips
  • Information on Majors
  • Honors College News and Events
  • Campus Involvement Opportunities
Please note that this blog is still a work-in-progress and posting may be a bit slow for the first few days. Within a couple of weeks, though, we hope to have (at least) daily updates on a variety of topics.

Also, we would encourage all of you to send any questions or comments you might have about your UA experiences to honorsconnection@gmail.com. We'll do our best to get back to you with a quick (and hopefully accurate) response.

Enjoy and Roll Tide!

-UA Freshman Year Experience Team

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