Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Photography Workshop (Starts Tomorrow!)

Come learn how to improve the quality and creativity of your digital photos with HC’s professional photographer and creative advisor Chip Cooper.  Bring your point-and-shoot camera and take part in this 2-session course. Session 1 will be Thursday, September 30 (tomorrow) and session 2 will be Thursday, October 7. Both sessions will be in Nott 375 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. We’ll talk about framing, camera settings, and shooting tips before practicing on the quad in the first session.  In the second session, upload and discuss your photos to help you in your quest for photographic excellence!  The workshop is limited to the first 15 students.  Contact Grant at to reserve your spot.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Zone Party Recap (Or How 150 Honors Students Almost Had A Collective Heart Attack)

As most of you probably know, the Honors College hosted a party in The Zone for the Arkansas game this past weekend. The turnout was great, the food was delicious, and I think everyone there had a good time. Now, on to the important stuff..the game.

So...DID THAT JUST HAPPEN!?!! That was one of the best come-from-behind victories I've ever seen. I hate to admit it, but I gave of hope of pulling out a win at least a dozen times during the game. I'm sure if I had been an outside observer at the party, the roller-coaster reactions of Honors College students would've been hilarious. Let me take you through the game in pictures.

First quarter. Not great...but not bad either.
Well, turns out we might lose.
We're making a comeback.
We might just pull this thing off.
Strike up the Rammer Jammer. Emotional release.
There's one more picture I have to post. If you don't know Honors College Associate Dean Jacqueline Morgan, let me just tell you that she is perhaps the most proper and put-together person on this campus. Dr. Morgan after the comeback:

Emotional Outburst? That can't be possible!
Roll Tide!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So...You Need a Men's Haricut?

If you're looking for the Arkansas Zone Party Sign-Up, go here.

Alright, so this post will probably only be of interest to guys...but it's still worth it. (Hey, it might be useful to you ladies as well if your man is getting a little shaggy.)

If most of you guys are like myself, then you probably haven't had a haircut yet this semester. For some of you, that may not be an issue. For me, it meant that my hair was getting so long in the front that I couldn't see the whiteboard in most of my classes and so long in the back that I looked like I had a mullet a bit long. I started looking around the Tuscaloosa area for a good place to get a men's haircut, and did I ever find a place...

That's right, the old-fashioned Northport Barber Shop (click here for Google Maps). For those of you who haven't been to an old-fashioned barber shop like this one, let me tell you that it is quite the experience. At the place where I get my hair cut back home, a 'stylist' cuts my hair while complaining about her boyfriend. At the Barber Shop, though, a barber trims my hair while talking about football.

These guys are great conversationalists. While I was there, I heard at least half a dozen stories that had to have been made up...but that's what made it fun. And the haircut itself was good, too! Of course, the best part is the shaving. There's nothing quite like warm shaving cream lather and a straight razor.

So...if you're looking for a men's haircut in or around Tuscaloosa, I can definitely recommend the Northport Barber Shop.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Solution to your Monday Blues

(If you're looking for the Arkansas Zone Party Sign-Up, go here.)

Sometimes Mondays get me down. Luckily, there always seems to be something really awesome going on round' town. Today is no exception. I've got two swimmingly good options for all of you Monday-gets-me-down-ers.

So, first off we have Joan McBreen, an Irish poet who has authored four books and edited an anthology of Irish women poets. She'll be sharing some of her work at 6 p.m. in Gordon Palmer TODAY, September 20th. Come and hear what is sure to be a pretty awesome accent and even better poetry.

Next, there's the presentation of "Palestine," Najla Said's one-woman Off-Broadway show that tells a "coming-of-age story about Ms. Said's journey to become an Arab-American on her own terms," as described in a New York Times article last February. Her father, Edward W. Said, was one of the biggest proponents of Palestinian independence in the United States before his death in 2003, but as a child Najla's posh East Village lifestyle was far removed from such geopolitical quandaries. Come to the Heritage Room at the Ferg tonight at 7 p.m. to experience Said's story through her performance.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Arkansas Zone Party Sign Up (Now with Extra Awesome Embedded Signup Sheet)

Yes, sign up information for the Arkansas Zone Party has already been posted here. But did that post have an extra awesome embedded sign up sheet for your convenience? Didn't think so...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New T-Town Dining Experience Discovered: The Brown Bag

A friend came to town to visit me this past weekend, and he recommended a restaurant that has changed my life eating habits here in T-town. Ok, so the restaurant is actually located in Northport...but still. I present to you...The Brown Bag (click here for Google Maps):

Don't judge this book by its cover.
I won't claim to be an expert on the history of this quaint little establishment, but I do know that it's been family-owned since it was started a couple of generations back. The menu consists of what I would call typical "meat-and-three" fare (pork, chicken, mac & cheese, corn, string beans, etc.). Unhealthy? Yes. Totally worth it? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT ABSOLUTELY WAS.
The real attraction is the BBQ sauce (you can get it on pork, chicken, and probably a couple of other meats). It's mustard-based...which was a new culinary experience for me. It probably won't be like anything you've ever had, but it is something worth trying for sure.

See that oven? Culinary pleasures await.
So how much does it cost? I spent about $7 for a meat and three "veggies." (Note: Mac & Cheese is in fact a veggie...I don't care what you say.) That's not bad considering the amount of food I got.

Check out The Brown Bag! You won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lado a Lado Photography Exhibit

Into photography? Or maybe you just like pretty pictures? Come check out the work of Honors College's own Chip Cooper as he shows some of his work from Cuba lado a lado with the City of Havana's NĂ©stor MartĂ­. Opening night of the exhibit will be October 11th, 2010 from 6:30-8:00 P.M. in the Grand Gallery of Smith Hall (the one on the corner of the Quad with the hanging dinosaur).

See y'all there!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sign-Up Now for the Arkansas Zone Party!

The Honors College will be hosting a viewing party in The Zone at Bryant-Denny Stadium for the Alabama at Arkansas game on September 25. Doors open an hour before kickoff (1:30pm), and pregame festivities begin a half-hour before kickoff (2:00pm). The game will be playing on the big screen TV’s, and Full Moon BBQ will be served at half-time. The cost is $8 per student (see below for payment information). There are a limited number of spots available...sign-up now here!

You can pay for this event in one of two ways...
1) Prepay with cash: Come by Julie Hollingsworth's office (Room 289) in Nott Hall anytime between now and Friday, September 24 to prepay with cash. Exact change is appreciated!
2) Pay at the door: You can also pay at the door with either Bama Cash (using your ACT Card) or cash. Please note that you must be a member in good standing of the Honors College to attend.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sign-Up for "Walk With Me" Service Project

Looking for a way to get involved with the Tuscaloosa community and the Honors College simultaneously? Consider volunteering with other Honors College freshmen at Walk with Me. Walk with Me is a 1.5 mile fun-walk to benefit the Easter Seals of West Alabama. The event will be Saturday, October 9th at The Park at Manderson Landing. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the walk will start at 10 a.m. Wrap-up will be around 12:00 p.m. The Honors College will be assisting with set-up, registration, games, face painting, and tear down. Go here to sign-up.

A little more info about Easter Seals:
Easter Seals provides exceptional service to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play. Easter Seals has been helping individuals with disabilities and special needs, and their families, live better lives for more than 80 years. From child development centers to physical rehabilitation and job training for people with disabilities, Easter Seals offers a variety of services to help people with disabilities address life's challenges and achieve personal goals.

Friday, September 10, 2010

FYE Fall Calendar Finalized!

We have finalized the Freshman Year Experience calendar for this fall! Dates and events are listed below. Look for more information on each event as it gets closer.

Quick shout out to the Mayans and their own awesome calendar.

Saturday, Sept 25: Alabama at Arkansas Party
                               The Zone in Bryant-Denny

Saturday, Oct 9:    Community Service Project
                               Walk with Me, Easter Seals West Alabama
                               Park at Manderson Landing
                               9 a.m.- 12 p.m.

Saturday, Oct 16:  Homecoming Reception
                               Alabama vs. Ole Miss
                               2nd floor of Nott Hall

Sunday, Oct 17:    Kentuck Art Festival
                               Downtown Northport
                               9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Sunday, Oct 24:    Sipsey Wilderness Hike
                               Bankhead National Forrest
                               Leave in the morning, return early evening

Thursday, Nov 4:   Business Coffee Hour
                               Riverside Clubhouse
                               5:00 p.m.

Thursday, Nov 11: Pre-Med/Science Coffee Hour
                                Riverside Clubhouse
                                5:00 p.m

Let me say a quick word about the Arkansas party since it's so's gonna be awesome! All Honors College Students are invited, but there are a limited number of spots available. Look for sign-up information to come out early next week.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Information on UA Gubernatorial Debate

As many of you probably know, UA will be hosting a gubernatorial debate on Thursday, September 16. The debate should be an excellent opportunity for UA students to get involved in the Alabama political process. I received the following information from the coordinator for the debate, and he wanted me to pass it along to you. From Jimmy Young:


On September 16th, gubernatorial candidates, Dr. Bentley and Commissioner Sparks, will be debating in Moody Music Hall on live television. The debate is the first in a series, and the questions for the debate will be chosen from the submissions of a statewide solicitation going on this week.

I am writing to encourage you to visit and submit your questions. As residents of Alabama, we all have an obligation to make sure the candidates give their views on the issues facing the state.

Along with submitting questions, the website will also provide you with other helpful information such as how to acquire a student ticket.

Thank you and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Jimmy Young
Coordinator, Gubernatorial Debate

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Freshman 15 (or More Likely 5): The Causes

Yesterday I looked at whether or not there is any statistical backing for weight gain during the freshman year. What did I find? Yes, freshmen usually gain weight...but not 15 pounds (in reality the average is more like 5-7 pounds). 

I don't know about most of you, but I'm not interested in putting on any extra weight...even if it's "only" 5 pounds. So while the "Freshman 15" may not be something you're worried about, you might be interested in what causes the "Freshman 5." That's what we'll be looking into today.

This guy may be on his way to a few extra pounds. Or he could just be marathon training.

Irregular Eating Habits - Note that I didn't say "overeating." I will say that for many freshmen overeating occurs as a result of irregular eating habits, but the root issue is still the lack of a firm eating schedule. Consider the following scenario...

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales TONIGHT

You will NOT want to miss this one. Jimbo Wales, the founder (maybe co-founder, that one's disputed) of Wikipedia, will give a lecture entitled "Liberty, Power, and Wikipedia" tonight, September 8th in the Ferg Theater from 7:30-10:00 pm. Mr. Wale's lecture is part of UA's Liberty and Power Lecture Series, exploring the relationship between individual liberty and government power across the humanities. A lively discussion will follow so bring your questions and comments!

Check out this preface to tonight's lecture before you come.

Here's to user-created web content and information (even if it's sometimes misinformation) for everyone!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Freshman 15: Fact or Fiction?

I'm sure that most of you have heard at least one horror story about the dreaded "Freshman 15." This week, we're going to be asking several questions about this uniquely collegiate phenomenon. Today we're going to be looking into whether or not there is any statistical backing for the Freshman 15. So, here we go...

The Freshman 15...Mythbusters style (car unrelated)
I've heard all my life that most college students gain weight during there freshman year. The only evidence I heard in support of this, though, was purely anecdotal. My inner nerd engineer naturally requires experimentally-based evidence before I will believe I started looking around the Internet (most of my info came from here and here...consider that my sourcing). Several studies have been done in recent years to determine whether or not college freshmen gain weight during their first year on campus. A sampling:
  • A federally funded study at an unidentified private university in the Northeast found that male freshmen gained 5.6 pounds and female freshmen gained 3.6 pounds, with the large majority of that weight gained in the first semester. Approximately 6% of freshmen gained 15 pounds or more.
  • A similar study (funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) conducted at an unidentified public university in the Midwest found that freshman students gained an average of 7.8 pounds during freshman year. Approximately 20% put on 15 pounds or more.
  • A study at Cornell University found that freshman students gained an average of 4 pounds during their first 12 weeks of college.
  • Researchers at Dartmouth College found that freshman males gained an average of 3.5 pounds during their freshman year while freshman females gained an average of 4 pounds during the same time period.
What does this mean? First of all, it seems that most freshmen do not, in fact, put on 15 pounds during their first year of college. However, the average freshman will put on somewhere between 4 and 8 pounds. I think we can break it down this way...

Freshmen usually gain weight during first year of college:
Freshmen usually put on 15 pounds during the first year of college:

More on the Freshman 15 7 later in the week.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Tuscaloosa Farmer's Market Saturdays

If you are looking for some fresh fruits, veggies, preserves (among many pickled items), or just a conversation with an area farmer, come down to the Tuscaloosa Farmer's Market tomorrow, Saturday the 4th, at the corner of Greensboro and Jack Warner Parkway just steps from the Black Warrior River. Can't make it to the opening time in the wee hours of Saturday morning at 6 am? No worries--it's open till' 12.

Disclaimer--We cannot promise the stragglers arriving the 11 o'clock hour the prettiest produce, but we can say that it will be fresh, local, and awesome.

See you at the River!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

All You Need to Know: Alabama Gameday (Part 2 of 2)

In Part 1 I covered what goes on in Tuscaloosa before a game actually starts. In this post I'm going to cover what you should expect from the game itself as well as what goes on after the game.

101,000. Roll Tide.
During the Game
  • Let me say a quick word about getting into the game. As I mentioned in my previous post, the student gate will open 2.5 hours before kickoff. You will have to have your Action Card to get into the game...if you've lost yours or just don't have it with you for some reason, you can get a temporary Action Card at the Student Services building across from the Ferg. This has been a lifesaver for me on a couple of occasions.
  • No outside food or drinks are allowed inside the stadium...technically.
  • The student section will fill up pretty quickly after the gate opens. This means that more than 10,000 students have about two hours to kill without much to do. Many student will watch intently as the kicker warms up play cards, chat, and compulsively check their phones. There will be highlight videos playing on the jumbotrons which do help to pass the time.
  • The real fun begins about an hour before kickoff. The band will take their seats and start working the crowd, the team will come out to warm up, and the non-student ticket holders will begin to fill up the stadium.
  • With about 45 minutes left before kickoff, my favorite video in the world will play on the big screens. The crowd always gets into this one....

  • Once the game actually starts, yell like crazy and enjoy yourself. There is nothing quite like the quasi-religious experience that is Alabama football, and attempting to describe the game itself here would be a pointless exercise.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

T-Town Dining

HUNGRY? I know I am. So what restaurants are worthy of our tight college student budgets while delivering mouth-watering, satisfying treats? Well, look no further because here are some solutions.
For the purposes of this blog, we will use dollar signs to denote the general price range of the restaurant with $ being dirt cheap and $$$$ being a pricey date restaurant. Click on any of the restaurant names for the location on Google Maps.

City Cafe is a great choice for a cheap meal.

City CafĂ© ($): A cheap plate of some sweet Southern cooking. Each day has a different selection of delicious meats and veggies. You can get a meat and a veggie for $3 or two veggies and a meat for $4. You will get your money’s worth regardless of what you choose!

Mugshots ($$): Can you say burgers galore? Mugshots grills up some tasty patties like no other I’ve ever tasted. They also have pasta, soup, salads, and sandwiches.

Hooligans ($$): Laid back Mediterranean restaurant on University (towards downtown). Go there if you’re looking for a chill place to hang out with friends. Grab a Gyro or some hummus and enjoy their outdoor seating.

DePalma’s ($$$): Nicer, Italian restaurant. Everything is good there. Literally. I especially recommend their Pasta DePalma. DePalma’s is a great place to take a date or dress up and go out to dinner with friends.

Chuck’s Fish ($$$$): Best seafood for miles around...absolutely decadent desserts as well. It's a great place downtown to take a date if you're looking to impress.

Cypress Inn ($$$$): Lunch or dinner with a riverfront view. Try the fresh catch of the day but be prepared for a bit pricier bill.

Look for more restaurant info in the future. Enjoy!