Monday, September 27, 2010

Zone Party Recap (Or How 150 Honors Students Almost Had A Collective Heart Attack)

As most of you probably know, the Honors College hosted a party in The Zone for the Arkansas game this past weekend. The turnout was great, the food was delicious, and I think everyone there had a good time. Now, on to the important stuff..the game.

So...DID THAT JUST HAPPEN!?!! That was one of the best come-from-behind victories I've ever seen. I hate to admit it, but I gave of hope of pulling out a win at least a dozen times during the game. I'm sure if I had been an outside observer at the party, the roller-coaster reactions of Honors College students would've been hilarious. Let me take you through the game in pictures.

First quarter. Not great...but not bad either.
Well, turns out we might lose.
We're making a comeback.
We might just pull this thing off.
Strike up the Rammer Jammer. Emotional release.
There's one more picture I have to post. If you don't know Honors College Associate Dean Jacqueline Morgan, let me just tell you that she is perhaps the most proper and put-together person on this campus. Dr. Morgan after the comeback:

Emotional Outburst? That can't be possible!
Roll Tide!

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