Thursday, September 16, 2010

New T-Town Dining Experience Discovered: The Brown Bag

A friend came to town to visit me this past weekend, and he recommended a restaurant that has changed my life eating habits here in T-town. Ok, so the restaurant is actually located in Northport...but still. I present to you...The Brown Bag (click here for Google Maps):

Don't judge this book by its cover.
I won't claim to be an expert on the history of this quaint little establishment, but I do know that it's been family-owned since it was started a couple of generations back. The menu consists of what I would call typical "meat-and-three" fare (pork, chicken, mac & cheese, corn, string beans, etc.). Unhealthy? Yes. Totally worth it? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT ABSOLUTELY WAS.
The real attraction is the BBQ sauce (you can get it on pork, chicken, and probably a couple of other meats). It's mustard-based...which was a new culinary experience for me. It probably won't be like anything you've ever had, but it is something worth trying for sure.

See that oven? Culinary pleasures await.
So how much does it cost? I spent about $7 for a meat and three "veggies." (Note: Mac & Cheese is in fact a veggie...I don't care what you say.) That's not bad considering the amount of food I got.

Check out The Brown Bag! You won't be disappointed.

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