Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Class Registration Starts Today!

In case several of you are forgetful (like myself), class registration for Spring 2011 started this morning. Since all of you are Honors students, I've posted the priority registration schedule for you below (from the Registrar's website). Note that all Honors students will be able to register by some point today or tomorrow.

October 26 (Today):
  • 7:00 AM: Students with priority registration with greater than or equal to 82 earned hours
  • 1:30 PM: Students with priority registration with greater than or equal to 47 earned hours
October 27 (Tomorrow):
  • 7:00 AM: Students with priority registration with greater than or equal to 22 earned hours
  • 1:30 PM: Students with priority registration with less than 22 earned hours 
The times listed above are the times that registration opens for the given groups. In other words, if you miss your exact assigned time, don't worry too much. You may not be able to get all the classes you wanted, but you will still be able to register at any point during the registration period (through Nov 9).

Also be aware of the fact that you can add or drop classes at any point between now and next Spring. (The system may complain if you go under 12 hours or above 18 hours...but as long as you stay in that range you should be fine.) With that in mind, it is a good idea to go ahead and register for classes now even if you still aren't exactly sure what you need to take next semester. This will insure that you at least have a spot reserved somewhere.

If the classes you want are full, put yourself on the wait list for that class if it has one. If it doesn't, then keep a close eye on the class and hope for the best...a lot of folks will drop classes between now and the beginning of the semester.

Finally, Honors College Peer Mentors will be available today from 9am-5pm in the Nott Hall student lounge, from 6pm-10pm tonight in Ridgecrest South, and from 9am-5pm tomorrow in the Nott Hall student lounge. They will do their best to answer any questions you might have about the registration process.

Good luck and don't forget (like I did)!

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