Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dean Sharpe to be Pied!

As I posted last week, the kickoff for Beat Auburn Beat Hunger took place at the Ferg Plaza yesterday. Part of the kickoff was a competition to determine one faculty member and one student to receive pies to the face. Basically, jars were set out with faculty members' and students' pictures on them, and the jars that had the most money in them at the end of the day became the 'winners' (these would be the folks getting pied). Thanks to the generous donations of Honors College students, our dean, Dr. Shane Sharpe, will be receiving a pie tomorrow. (The student 'winner' was Richard Cockrum, a senior Honors student you may know.)

The event will take place at the Ferg Plaza tomorrow, Wednesday October 13 at 12:00pm.

 I have a few quick comments about this...
  • First of all, a big thanks to everyone who stopped by the kickoff and donated some cash. I'm guessing that mainly Honors students were contributing to Dr. Sharpe's jar...which means that the Honors College must have had pretty good representation at the event. Kudos.
  • Second, while I really respect Dean Sharpe (for real..he's an excellent man), I find it very hilarious to think of him receiving a pie to the face.
  • Finally...you should all come to the event! It will (a) be fun and (b) be a great opportunity to continue to raise awareness for Beat Auburn Beat Hunger.
So...come on by the Ferg Plaza tomorrow at 12:00. Also, if you haven't had a chance to donate some food to Beat Auburn Beat Hunger, please take the time to do so (donation barrels are located all around campus).

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