Friday, October 1, 2010

Need Help Picking Courses for Next Semester? (Advising 101)

Well folks, it's getting to that time of the semester. You've gotten about halfway through your classes and you're having to turn your attention to what you would like to take next semester (you can look up classes for next semester in MyBama under the Home tab). You should have received an email from someone in your department or college about signing up for it! You are required to see an advisor before you register for classes, and the most popular times fill up quickly. So, if you don't want to have to be at an advising meeting at 8:00 am on a Friday, sign up quickly!

This will be you if you don't go to advising.
That being said, I'm excited to announce that Honors College will be offering a special service this semester to help you through your advising process. During Oct 25-27, upperclassmen Honors students will be available in the Student Lounge in Nott Hall and in Ridgecrest South to answer your questions about what classes to take, which professors are good, and how to register for classes. Please note that this does not count as attending an official advising session. Here's the schedule:

Monday, October 25 and Tuesday, October 26
¨     9 am-5 pm in the Student Lounge (Nott 257/259)
¨     6 pm-10  pm in Ridgecrest South
Wednesday, October 27
¨ 9 am-5 pm in the Student Lounge (Nott 257/259)

You will still have to see an advisor in your department before you register for classes. However, I know from personal experience that many departmental advisors get very...frazzled...this time of year and can't always answer all of your questions in a timely manner. Hopefully having these Honors students will help you in that regard. Plus, they can give a student perspective on which classes are fun, which are hard, etc.

So...check out the Nott Hall Student Lounge and Ridgecrest South during Oct 25-27 for great advice from fellow Honors students.

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