Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Major Madness: Business Management

Do you enjoy being a leader? When it comes to group projects, do you enjoy giving others direction and developing a plan? I DO! And this is why I have decided to major in Business Management. Whether you want to manage a local restaurant or work on Wall Street, this is a major that gives you the opportunity to have a wide variety of career options. Some career options that are available with a Business Management degree include: Business Analyst, Human Resources Manager, Sales Director, and Regional Sales Manager. What do all of these have in common? Their average paying salaries range between $69,000-$130,000! In addition to these high paying salaries, there are potential perks that come with these positions such as all-expense paid for travel time and paid vacation time (depending on the company you are working for, of course).
Did you know UA’s “undergraduate business program was ranked in the top 50 nationally in a recent U.S. News and World Report study?” You can check out even more facts and information about UA’s business school at If you are interested in majoring in ANY business field, make sure to check out This website provides several resources that are essential for business students! The website includes access to scholarship information, resume critique/mock interview information, and even upcoming events that are on campus. If you are interested in learning more about the business school, and/or Business Management specifically, please feel free to contact Amber Hersh @

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