Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thoughts On Thursday: Things I Wish I Knew as a Freshmen

1.      This might sound really stupid, and it probably is but I wished that I knew how to operate the milk dispensers in the dining halls. If you have ever seen these, you know what I am talking about. My first few weeks here I was too scared to get milk because one day I stood there like a total idiot trying to figure it out and couldn’t. One night I waited at Late Night Lakeside for someone to come up and get milk so I could watch them. So you don’t have to do the same thing, I’ll give you the trick—you pull up on the triangular handle. I did this the first time I tried, but it didn’t work because you also have to make sure that the thick, white straw is sticking out. If that’s not there, there’s no milk in the container.
2.      On a more serious note, you can access your crimson email and elearning without going through mybama. This is especially helpful for the times that mybama is down.
·         To access your email go to
·         To access elearning go to
3.      Sign up for your advising appointment the first week of the new semester. If you don’t do it quickly, spots will fill up, especially in the business school. With priority registration as an Honors Student, you need to see an advisor early because we register before everyone else.
4.      On a similar same note, plan out your schedule a few days before you actually sign on to register. You can look up dates and times for classes and find out exactly which sections you would like to take. It will save you a lot of time and frustration on the actual registration day. And make sure you do plan two or three days in advance because sometimes when I have planned a week or two early, they have changed the class times and professors.

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