Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Documenting Justice International Screening

For those of you who haven't heard of Documenting Justice International, let me start off by telling you that it is one of the coolest opportunities available at UA. It is a three-semester experience that allows students to explore an international issue related to a justice/injustice through documentary filmmaking. The first semester of the experience is spent learning how to produce a documentary film, the second semester is spent filming at an international location, and the third semester is spent editing the film.

Four student groups have just completed their international films and will be screening them tomorrow night (Wed, Nov 17) at 7:00pm in the Bama Theater downtown. Don't know how to get there? Click here for Google Maps. Too busy to make it? No you're not...classes are canceled for Thursday because of the football game. See, just like that you're out of excuses not to go to this thing.

Seriously, though, I think that it is going to be an awesome experience. The four films were filmed in Rwanda, Uruguay, El Paso (right on the Mexican-American border) and Cuba. I can say for certain that the students who put these films together have spent hours and hours on these projects. Check it out!

For more information on Documenting Justice International, check out the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility website.

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