Wednesday, November 10, 2010

HCA Holiday Tree Project

This holiday season, the Honors College Assembly is sponsoring the Holiday Tree Project. Here's the basic idea...a tree with "wish ornaments" has been placed in the reception area of Nott Hall. Each ornament has a wish from a child in Tuscaloosa County. You can drop by Nott, pick up an ornament, buy the item that was requested ($20 limit), and then return the wrapped item to Nott by Dec 3.

I know that we're all college students, but I also know that we can all probably spare $20. Even a small gift can absolutely make a child's holiday season.

This initiative really falls in line with the Honors College's goal to have a meaningful impact on the Tuscaloosa community. In fact, did you realize that 24% of Tuscaloosa County children live in poverty? I was absolutely shocked by that figure! Again, this is a great way to have a meaningful impact on a child's holiday season. The small things are often the ones that count the most.

So come on by and pick up an ornament!

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