Thursday, November 4, 2010

Honors Freshman Exploratory Courses

Looking to pick up an Honors College course for next spring? I have an excellent recommendation for you...sign up for an Honors Freshman Exploratory Course! These one-hour courses are taught by senior Honors College students. The workload for these classes is typically pretty light (readings throughout the semester and a project at the end of the semester). These are a great way to explore a topic you otherwise might not be able to explore while gaining an hour of Honors credit. Four of these courses will be offered next semester...check out the descriptions below.

Functional Leadership: Project Planning and Implementation (UH 120-009)
  • Taught by Richard Cockrum
  • Tuesday 3:30pm-5:00pm
This course will focus primarily on developing practical skills in all phases of project development that is typical for campus leaders to encounter, using a service project as a class practicum. Topics covered include brainstorming and deliberative dialogue, SMART goal setting, project proposals, timeline for implementation, budgeting, volunteer recruitment and management, external communications and project evaluations. An overarching message of the course is to ask how each step in the process can contribute to making a project sustainable after student creators have left campus.

Poetry and Song (UH 120-008)
  • Taught by Leslie Proctor
  • Thursday 4:00pm-5:00pm
Poetry and Song are two mediums for creative expression that have existed side by side for centuries. This class addresses the connections between them by examining the importance that each has had on the other’s emergence as an art form. For the final project, students will either present the text of a song they feel a connection to as a piece of poetry and analyze the text’s musical enhancements or detractions, or they will choose a poem and create a work of art to present with it that either clarifies, obscures or challenges assumptions made about that poem.

The Creative Habit (UH 120-007)
  • Taught by Shannon Lindamood
  • Friday 1:00pm-2:00pm
Creativity is not a gift from the gods, says Twyla Tharp, bestowed by some divine and mystical spark. In this course, each student will seek what it means to be creative and research how creativity can benefit the work in their field of study. Students will explore how to augment creative thought and how to handle pressure of continually creating new work.  This course is suitable for artists, actors, writers, composers, businessmen, and engineers alike!

Alabama and Politics (Course information TBD)
  • Taught by Ian Sams
  • Time TBD
This course is not on MyBama yet (although it should be soon). Look for more information in the near future!

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