Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Major Madness: Marketing

Each Monday, we highlight a certain major here at UA. Regardless of the particular major's sanity or lack thereof, we like to call it Monday Major Madness...

Monday morning in NY City.
 In today's installment of Monday Major Madness, Honors College student Jake Appelbaum talks about his experience as an marketing major.

1) Why did you choose your major?
I decided in high school that wanted to pursue something in the business field. My dad has worked in various business jobs over his career, which has had an impact on how I view the world. I was not sure what would be my major once I entered college, but I had always been fascinated with how consumers engage with the economy. The study of business marketing tends to be a blend of both economics and psychology (not advertising as some may think.) I found through taking courses and talking to professors that marketing was the best fit for me.

2) What are your career plans?
I plan on either joining AmeriCorps, instructing for Teach for America or pursing a job in the business world. If I decide to go after a job, I will look for corporations and situations that fit what I want to do. My passions involve finance, marketing and international affairs; I will consider all of these when conducting my job search. My goal is to find a fantastic, energetic company to work for, most likely based in a large city. After a few years with the company, I would plan to go back to education and receive an MBA.

3) What has been your favorite class (required for your major) so far?
My favorite class has been my Introduction to Marketing course with Dr. Reynolds. The course is insightful into the world of marketing and completely applicable to actual business. Dr. Reynolds teaches the course with passion and expertise. She demonstrates her caring for her topic and for every student she teaches. By the end of the course I was glad that I chose to be a marketing major.

4) How many hours per week do you spend working on major-related activities (homework, studying, etc.)?
On average, I spend fifteen hours a week outside of class studying or doing homework for my business courses. Most of my time is devoted to studying for tests. I also do marketing research which takes a few hours each week.

5) Anything else you would like to share?
For business majors, everyone must take introduction classes for each major. Try hard in each of these classes so you can get a good grasp on where your interests are.

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