Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Honors College Fall Coffee Hours

The Honors College is proud to announce that we will be hosting two "coffee hours" this fall to help students connect with their professors. For each coffee hour, professors will mingle with students and answer questions about applying to graduate (or medical) school, undergraduate research, and professional opportunities. The atmosphere will be very laid-back...and free coffee and cookies will definitely be involved.

This semester, we are offering coffee hours geared towards business and pre-med students. (If neither of those is your cup of tea, don't worry! We will be offering others in the spring.) The information for the business and pre-med coffee hours is below:

Business Coffee Hour
  • Thursday, November 11 from 5:00pm-6:00pm 
  • Mary Alston Hall (in the Parlor)
  • Professors attending: Jim Cashman, Gary Hoover, William Aldrige, Gorman Houston, David Hale
Pre-Med Coffee Hour
  • Monday, November 15 from 5:00pm-6:00pm
  • Riverside Community Center (upstairs)
  • Professors from the chemistry, biology, and physics departments will attend.
These should be great opportunities for you to network with your professors and get some important questions answered. If you're interested in undergraduate research or an internship, these folks will be able to point you in the right direction. They will also be able to give incredible insight into the application process for either graduate school (for business majors) or medical school (for pre-med students). Also remember that these professors are the people who will likely be writing your rec letters...any time you can get with them outside of the classroom is valuable.

With all of that said, I hope that any of you interested in either business or medicine will consider attending. I really think this will be a great opportunity.

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