Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Honors College Student Advisory Board

As most of you have hopefully heard by now, the Honors College Student Advisory Board is currently accepting applications for the period from Dec 2010-Dec 2011. I realize that many of you may not understand exactly what this group is all about, so let me try to explain.

The Student Advisory Board was started a few years ago to allow students to become involved in shaping the growth and direction of the Honors College. Basically, the Board meets with faculty members to develop new initiatives and strengthen current initiatives within the Honors College. This group has produced several pretty big ideas (Honors College Assembly and Freshman Year Experience being two examples). It is a very selective group of students that really does impact the day-to-day operations of the Honors College.

I say all of that so that hopefully you'll understand that being a member of the Student Advisory Board would be an incredible opportunity to become involved in Honors College. You would have the opportunity to voice your ideas...and then most likely see them turned into reality.

So...if creativity and leadership are you're thing (and that's a pretty decent probability considering you're an Honors College student), I would encourage you to apply to become a member of the Student Advisory Board. The application can be found online here. Just print it out and follow the instructions. Note that the application is due by Friday, November 19.

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